Romans is this important book of Christian faith, because it shows us how the gospel of Jesus Christ overturns systems of status and power and redefines words like righteousness, freedom, and justification by looking at them through the lens of Christ’s sacrifice and triumphant resurrection. Paul is writing to this diverse community Jesus followers to unite them in Spirit-filled life, with transformed hearts and minds, and stirring them toward love, service, forgiveness, and peace. From a historical standpoint, as ethnic Jews and ethnic others debate over the “right” way to follow Jesus and over their “rights” as the church, Paul speaks to both sides and shows them that the way to life is not about their rights, it is not about what is owed to them. Instead, the way toward peace is simply through faith in the crucified Jesus and a life that embodies his actions here on earth.

Where you once turned inward upon your own desires and needs and goals, Jesus has paid the ultimate price to give you the peace you’ve been searching for, the value you’ve craved, the safety and security you’ve always needed. You have graciously been made righteous, meaning Jesus has righted the misaligned desires of your heart and restored your relationship with the Father to what it was always intended to be. This is not something you are responsible for; it never was. All you have to do is surrender, to let go of your fruitless efforts to be right on your own, and to trust that Jesus is enough.